Today is a new day. It has never existed before nor will it ever exist again. Each moment is an opportunity to be present physically as well as spiritually. Today will be full of experiences whose meanings will be different
Life Lessons 11/14/19
Sometimes you have to relearn your own song. The playground matters. Fall is either your favorite or least favorite season. Rarely in between. Cold weather= more pockets! There’s more going on in this moment than can ever be fully appreciated.
Life Lessons 11/13/19
Sometimes there’s traffic. Sometimes there’s not. Sometimes it’s so easy to find a parking spot that you forget to appreciate how easy it was. While an affront to the drinker, it’s quite understandable to give the Diet Coke to the
With Thanks to Jack Kornfield
Over the last two years I’ve listened to approximately 50-60 hours of Jack Kornfield’s podcast, Heart Wisdom Hour. Alongside The Grateful Dead, this podcast holds the place for the most oft heard soundtrack in my earbuds. It’s rare for me
Walk in Delight
Beyond measure, I am blessed. In ways disguised and manifest. In ways I can appreciate and ways I cannot. In ways deserved but in more ways graced. In ways that touch my daily existence and ways that don’t. Beyond
Predictions for 5778
Here are some predictions for 5778. I’m pretty confident they’ll come to pass. 5778 will be a year of… radical love and radical hatred profound peace and profound violence deep connection and deep alienation wisdom and folly clarity and
Overcoming Boredom: Rabbinic Advice for High Holy Day Services
In spite of our collective best efforts, I still hear people reporting anticipatory boredom when discussing their upcoming attendance at High Holy Day services. It’s a shame for a couple of reasons. First, High Holy Day services actually aren’t
Life Lessons, 5/8/17
Occasionally my preferred vehicle for reflection is something I call, “Life Lessons.” It’s nearly impossible to draw a straight line from any of these life lessons to something that I actually experienced today. That’s because straight lines represent the shortest
How can we say thank you more often?
It’s simple. Did you have a good day? Thank you. A bad day? Thank you. A frustrating day? Thank you. A blessed day? Thank you. A forgettable day? Thank you. A boring day? Thank you. An inspiring day? Thank
A Rosh Hashanah Prayer
a good year a sweet year a caring year a kind year a listening year a connecting year a year of truth a year of strength a year of balance a year of peace a year of breathing a