Another installation of #BlogElul


Door, Tel Aviv, 2016
Door, Tel Aviv, 2016


Observe yourself

Observe judgment welling up inside of you

Observe judgment indiscriminately condemning any and all

Observe its false sense of rightness and insight

Observe the hardening effect in your ribcage as it locks the windows of your heart.

Tel Aviv, 2016
Tel Aviv, 2016


Observe yourself

Observe fear washing over you

Observe fear quickening your pulse

Turning your stomach

Begging your feet to run as fast as you possibly can.

Tel Aviv, 2016
Tel Aviv, 2016


Observe yourself

Observe change announcing itself from every pore of your body

From every corner of your being

From every facet of your soul.

Observe change showing you a slideshow of past selves

Of old hairdos and sweaters

Of old glances and shoes.

Tel Aviv, 2016
Tel Aviv, 2016


Observe yourself

Observe love filling your body and soul

Observe love softening you

Allowing, even beckoning you, to emerge.

Observe love reassuring you that connecting is what we’re here to do

That who and what we love will be here for us tomorrow

So that we can unafraid be here for them and for ourselves today.

Thumbs Up, Jerusalem, 2016
Thumbs Up, Jerusalem, 2016


Observe this strange and compelling incarnation

That journeys through the world in endless possibility

Perpetually dancing between solitude and merger

Between the many, the one, and the nothing.

Street Sign, Jerusalem, 2016
Street Sign, Jerusalem, 2016

