Synagogue Roof (Bird), Israel Museum


So I’ve got a doctorate in adolescent spirituality. Which basically means two things:

  1. I’m very curious about the topic
  2. I know at least some of what I don’t know

Here are some ideas that my research has led me to and which I am still intrigued by:

  1. All human beings have a spiritual dimension.
  2. That spiritual dimension is basically the part of us that finds itself in connection with something “other” whether it be another person, nature, God, or even the “self” that we hope to be/become/actualize.
  3. One of the benefits of being connected to a religious tradition is that religion provides daily opportunities to focus on our spiritual dimension.
  4. There are lots of other things that religion offers, some of which I can honestly do without, but the intersection of spirituality and religion is most dynamic when a person is able to interact with their religion in a way that allows them to focus on their spiritual capacity.

A recommendation:

  1. For those of us that identify as spiritual, but not religious… If we are part of a religious community, try using some framework that religious community provides as a vehicle for cultivating spirituality. If you’re Jewish, use the Passover Seder as an opportunity to intentionally connect with your family, your history, and with the liberation narrative of the Passover story as it resonates in the world today. You may find it easier to develop authentic spiritual awareness by taking advantage of the religious frameworks within your faith tradition.
Spirituality and Religion